UK Newsletter | December 2022

UK Newsletter

NEWSLETTER: This month the UK Chancellor gave us an early Christmas gift in the form of a swath of Edinburgh Reforms. These represent the government’s approach to reforming the financial services regulatory landscape. Good news for all of us that we are in one of the UK’s five key growth sectors, while recognising at the same time that there’s work ahead of us.

The team at Bovill have launched into a thorough analysis of the reforms to understand where immediate action will be needed. Other than tracking the progress of the new items (such as the promise of a 2023 Q1 review and reform of the Senior Managers & Certification Regime, repealing PRIIPs and examining short selling and accelerated settlement, plus many others) we are also keeping a close eye on how this might alter the regulatory approach and regulator appetite going forward.

Looking forward to the new year, do check out our Consumer Duty event, and please reach out if our sector-specific roundtable events for senior practitioners are of interest.

Have a lovely festive break, and a very Happy New Year!

Rebecca Thorpe
Chief Executive Officer

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